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Friendnancial is a desktop application for Financial Advisors to manage their contact details. While it has a GUI, most of the user interactions happen using a CLI (Command Line Interface).

  • It is named Friendnancial (Friend for short) because the application aims to be your friend in the financial space.
  • Financial advisors (FA) have many different types of contacts: warm clients, cold clients, normal friends. FAs have to regularly keep up with their contacts, by wishing them happy birthday, or sending invites and following up with contacts, they may do so on multiple platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram, email. FAs have to store information about their clients such as contracts and schemes/packages.

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Unique Value Proposition

  • FAs should use this application because it features
    • Keybord Proficient and Fast Contact processing (You don’t even need a mouse)
    • Declutter of your calendar
    • Advanced filter functions that your phones do not have
    • Reminders for the forgetful
    • Short and Sweet Commands


  • Libraries used: JavaFX, Jackson, JUnit5
  • Our project is built on the AddressBook-Level3 project created by the SE-EDU initiative.